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Western Union

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Payment Methods

"La Bottega di Gnomo Febo accepts Paypal, Bank-Transfers payments, Credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay and Microsoft Pay payments.


Paypal lets you shop online in total security.
You never give your credit card data to anyone, but just to Paypal. In order to use Paypal, you must have a credit card / prepaid card and an account on Paypal.

Bank Transfer and Western Union

Please indicate, in the reason of transfer, the name and the type of the purchased item (eg: "Nathan Drake - Silver ring") in order to speed up the recognition of the transaction and order fulfillment. The order will be processed after payment is received (3-4 business days from the transfer payment)


Stripe is a famous platform for paying online purchases by credit card. You do not need to have an account on Stripe to pay, just enter your credit card details or use one of the online payment platforms like Apple Pay, Google Pay! Once you click on "Confirm Order" you will be automatically redirected to the Stripe website to pay safely!
Upon successful transaction, you will receive an email from the site and from Stripe that will confirm the payment and you will be redirected, on the website, to the order completion page.

If you have any problem, contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. BEFORE purchase.

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