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Ankh (Small) (Silver)

925‰ Sterling Silver Cross
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Ankh Piccolo - Ciondolo (Argento) - Ankh Small - Pendant (Silver)
Ankh Piccolo - Ciondolo (Argento) - Ankh Small - Pendant (Silver)
Ankh Piccolo - Ciondolo (Argento) - Ankh Small - Pendant (Silver)
Ankh Piccolo - Ciondolo (Argento) - Ankh Small - Pendant (Silver)
Salesprice with discount
14,00 €
Price / kg:
Pendant with Ankh

The ankh, also known as crux ansata (the Latin for "cross with a handle") is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic ideograph with the meaning "life".
The Egyptian gods are often portrayed carrying it by its loop, or bearing one in each hand, arms crossed over their chest. The ankh appears in hand or in proximity of almost every deity in the Egyptian pantheon (including Pharaohs).
Alan Gardiner explains the hieroglyph as a depiction of a sandal-strap.
There have been alternative suggestions. One of the earliest proposals was that of Thomas Inman, first published in 1869, according to which the symbol combines "the male triad and the female unit". E. A. Wallis Budge (1904) postulated that the symbol originated as the belt buckle of the mother goddess Isis
More recently, the authors of The Quick and the Dead (2004) speculated that the ankh, djed, and was symbols have a basis in "cattle culture", with the ankh representing the thoracic vertebra of a bull (seen in cross section), the djed the base on sacrum of a bull's spine and the was a staff.

Type :
Sterling Silver Cross
Made of :
925‰ Sterling Silver
Size :
20mm x 11mm
Each item is shipped with a quality assurance certificate

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Shipping Cost: Italy from 7.50€ - Europe from 9.90€ - Other Countries from 12.30€

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Thursday, 22 June 2017
Schneller Versand,Artikel Top ,alles schick und schau...vielen Dank!
Dieter Germany
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